I’m sure many of you have been waiting for an update and final decision on the 2022 GAIG USDF Region 6 Championships as part of the rebidding process. USDF announced today that Donida Farms was selected as the winning bid and will hold the competition on the original submitted dates of September 15-18, 2022. 

Dressage Northwest submitted during the original process planning to utilize the Ford Idaho Horse Park in Nampa, ID and was subsequently awarded the bid.  During the process of working with the facility post award, we were unable to obtain all agreed upon facility usages that we felt would be necessary to provide a quality show that is in the best interest of the competitors, USDF, and its sponsors. 

Dressage Northwest has 30 years of experience putting on the Region 6 Championships and knows how important it is to have a successful event and continuing the event at Nampa would have be almost impossible and would not make it viable in the future as a potential host site. This led the board to make the hard decision to submit to USDF a change in venue and submitted to move to Donida Farms. 
The change of venue was not approved by USDF leading to a reopening of the bid.  We were working with Donida Farms for the rebid, but they decided to submit their own bid for the same dates.  The DNW board decided that having two bids utilizing the same facility on the same dates was not in the best interest of all parties involved.  

The DNW board investigated all suitable facilities and was unable to secure one that was financially sensible for us as well as competitors.  With the event being only 8 months away, we decided to not submit for 2022 and regroup and reevaluate our options for hosting a future GAIG USDF Regional Championship and continuing the Northwest Championships as part of the show.
We wish only the best for Donida Farms as the winning bidder for this years Championships and look forward to a successful show for our regional competitors. To clarify for some that may wonder, the Northwest Championships will not be held this year but a future event is being planned.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 
Mike TaylorPresident